
What is Tae Kwon Do?

Tae Kwon Do is a traditional Korean martial art with origins dating back to Korea’s early Kokooryo Kingdom.  While the art includes both hand and leg techniques, it is widely known for its many kicking combinations, which allow for greater reach and more power.  Tae Kwon Do provides students the ability to disable their opponents using a combination of self defense and combat techniques.  The motions are fluid and follow the design of the body creating more offensive and defensive movements.  Tae Kwon Do students will experience an improvement in their flexibility, balance, and overall coordination.  Weight loss and physical fitness are among a number of other outstanding benefits beyond the obvious physical advantages that Tae Kwon Do offers students, it is also ideal for mental conditioning.

What are our credentials?

Taekwondo of Woodstock masters, instructors and students are accredited by the World Taekwondo Federation (WT) out of Seoul Korea. The World Taekwondo is the only organization accepted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) making this the only Taekwondo organization accepted to participate in the Olympics. The tradition, the richness, the philosophy and the passion that the World Taekwondo gives our school is passed on to our students.

At what age can you start?

Tae Kwon Do is for all ages 3 years old and up

What can Tae Kwon Do do for you?

    • Enhances your self confidence
    • Strengthens your body and mind
    • Promotes your overall fitness
    • Increases your Agility
    • Increases Flexibility
    • Develops self discipline
    • Relieves Stress
  • Self Defense

What can Taekwondo do for your children?

    • Learn to respect other
    • Learn to respect themselves
    • Enhances self esteem
    • Enhances focus
    • Encourages good study habits
    • Great for children with ADHD
  • Encourages Leadership

USA Taekwondo

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) recognizes USA Taekwondo (USAT) as the National Governing Body (NGB) for the sport of Taekwondo in the United States.  A primary function of the NGB is to conduct national and international events in its sport.

Taekwondo and the Olympic Games
The object of Taekwondo is to land kicks and punches on your opponent’s scoring zones: one point is awarded for a valid kick or punch to the torso, two points for a valid spinning kick, three points for a valid kick to the head and four points for a turning kick to the head.

The action takes place inside an 8m x 8m zone called a court, with each contest made up of three two-minute rounds. Over their standard white uniform, known as a ‘Dobok’, competitors wear colored protective equipment. The competitor wearing blue is referred to as ‘Chung’, while the competitor in red is ‘Hong’.

Olympic Taekwondo, past and present
Taekwondo made its debut as a demonstration sport at the Seoul 1988 Games, but was not officially added to the Olympic programme until the Sydney 2000 Games. Since then, USA Taekwondo has earned nine Olympic medals– two gold, two silver and five bronze.

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Para Nuestros amigos Latinos

Que es Taekwondo?

Tae Kwon Do es un arte marcial Coreano tradicional con orígenes que se remonta al Reino de Kokooryo principios de Corea. Mientras que el arte incluye técnicas de mano y pierna, es ampliamente conocida por sus muchas combinaciones de patadas, que permiten un mayor alcance y más energía. Tae Kwon Do proporciona a los estudiantes la capacidad de desactivar a sus oponentes usando una combinación de técnicas de combate y defensa personal. Los movimientos son fluidos y seguir el diseño del cuerpo creando más movimientos ofensivos y defensivos. Los estudiantes de Tae Kwon Do experimentará una mejora en su flexibilidad, el equilibrio y la coordinación general. Pérdida de peso y condición física son entre un número de otras ventajas excepcionales más allá de las obvias ventajas físicas que Tae Kwon Do ofrece a los estudiantes, también es ideal para el condicionamiento mental.

Cuales son nuestras Credenciales?

Taekwondo of Woodstock Arts Marciales Maestros, instructores y estudiantes están acreditados por la Federación Mundial Taekwondo (WT) de alma Corea. La Federación Mundial de Taekwondo es la única organización aceptada por la Internacional olímpica Comité (IOC) inventando la única organización de Taekwondo aceptados para participar en los Juegos Olímpicos. La tradición, la riqueza, la filosofía y la pasión que la Federación Mundial de Taekwondo da nuestra escuela es transmitida a nuestros estudiantes.

A que edad puedes empezar?

Taekwondo es para todas las edades de 3 en adelante.

¿Qué puede hacer para ti Tae Kwon Do?

  • Mejora tu autoestima
  • Fortalece tu cuerpo y tu mente
  • Promueve tu condición física general
  • Aumenta tu agilidad
  • Aumenta la flexibilidad
  • Desarrolla autodisciplina
  • Alivia el estrés
  • Defensa personal

¿Qué puede hacer por sus hijos Taekwondo?

  • Aprender a respetar al otro
  • Aprender a respetar a sí mismos
  • Mejora la autoestima
  • Mejora el enfoque
  • Promueve buenos hábitos de estudio
  • Ideal para los niños con TDAH
  • Fomenta el liderazgo